This twenty first issue of Consorseguros Digital coincides with two outstanding events for Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS): one, the 70th anniversary of the company, that took place on December 16th 2024, and the other, far less festive, the management of the most important loss event that Spain and this entity has had, at least in these 70 years: the floods caused by the cut-off low (dana, for the Spanish) affecting multiple areas of the south and east of mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, much particularly on October 29th around Valencia.
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Growing risks: the role of insurance
In depth
Given an increasingly complex environment, insurance can keep being a tool adding resilience and sustainability, providing the own insurance schemes are so and are designed in such a way that the economic resilience they provide is added to the effort of other bodies, in a coordinated manner, to add physical resilience.
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Australia’s cyclone pool: the journey so far, and what its data is telling us
Since 2003, the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation (ARPC) has been the Australian Government’s provider of catastrophic reinsurance cover – first, for terrorism risk, and since 2022, for cyclone and cyclone related flooding risk.
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New Zealand’s natural hazards insurance scheme is based on lessons of the past
The new legislation changed the name of the scheme from the Earthquake Commission (EQC) to the Natural Hazards Commission. The new name is an important signal to homeowners that cover is available for a range of natural hazards, not just earthquakes. There is no additional hazards covered – the new name is just to make it clear that the cover available is for a range of hazards.
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Transition of compulsory earthquake insurence policy to compulsory disaster insurence policy in Türkiye
Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool, TCIP (& DASK in Turkish) was established in 2000 following the devastating earthquake at Marmara region on 18 August 1999. Although Catastrophe Insurance Law allows TCIP to provide insurance and/or reinsurance cover against Nat-Cat perils, TCIP provides only earthquake insurance coverage for residential dwellings in Türkiye since its establishment.
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Wildfires of the future: new participatory approaches based on territorial planning
Several recent scientific reviews dealing with the issue of wildfires have called attention to the fact that the problem is growing more severe, as discussed in the latest UN report (2022) . Weather conditions associated with wildfires are becoming more frequent in most regions around the globe as a consequence of climate change.
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The 1997 floods in the province of Badajoz and subsequent measures taken by the water management authorities
A huge storm in November 1997 caused severe floods in the cities of Badajoz and Mérida and the town of Valverde de Leganés, and in the lowland region of Vegas Bajas del Guadiana. This article describes the damage caused by the floods and the steps taken by the water management authorities to repair the damage and to try to prevent this situation from repeating while at the same time taking the opportunity this presented to improve the urban areas surrounding the channels of the streams that had overflowed.
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Brief overview of the 11th International Conference and Annual General Meeting of IFIGS
The International Forum of Insurance Guarantee Schemes (IFIGS) held its eleventh annual meeting in Madrid from 16 to 18 October, hosted by the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, the IFIGS chair this year, which marks the 40th anniversary of its winding-up activity of insurance companies.
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Vehicle driver vs passenger
Case law
This study is intended as an in-depth consideration of what is meant by vehicle driver. It is based chiefly on a judgment delivered by the Provincial Court of Appeal of Cartagena and a question referred by a Dutch court to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for a preliminary ruling.
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